every move they make

dialogues between object and space

Every move they make, dialogues between object and space is the result of an intens collaboration between writer and researcher Dr. Lut Pil and the artists Bram Van Breda, Merel Cremers and An-Valerie Vandromme. Together we studied the sensitivities of the inhabited space and how these resonate through various objects and material studies in ceramic, textile and glass. For more than one year we’ve been working in several types of spaces raging from a guesthouse, a hotel room to an abandoned building. As a first passage of our collaboration we took residency in an Antwerp based guesthouse, connecting its rooms and visitors with our works. Through the notion that ‘what we shape, shapes us’ we mainly experimented with the midfield between design and art. Objects could be touched and even ‘used’, making the guest more aware of the objects & materials we surround ourselves with and how they change the way we experience an inhabited space.

In a second phase of the project we started to look into how we can also shape the space, and not just the objects within. As part of the Hotel Insomnia project by DeFABRIEK Eindhoven, an annual temporary hotel approached as an art project, we created a guestroom. Bringing together, textile, glass and ceramic to create a haptic space. With no front wall, the room was open to the public giving the visitor a minimum of tools that would allow him to find comfort.

After these two projects we and our works found each other again in the abandoned Veterinary school in Ghent. It’s only when things move, that they might collide, bringing forth an energy that allows us to question a space and the art within. The project To Hit When Moving brings together earlier works of the research and new site-specific work.

All the works and experiences were finally brought together in the publication Every move they make, dialogues between object and space.

collaboration between writer and researcher Dr. Lut Pil and the artists Bram Van Breda, Merel Cremers and An-Valerie Vandromme.

With the support of Luca School of Arts Ghent, research unit Image

Luca_publicatie_voorstelling.pdf (33,6 MB)

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