Bram Van Breda

1992° Belgium

The multiplicity of Van Breda’s work entails a study of the spatial narratives within the process of image making. Like an ethnographer he questions our environment, with a concern for the social and political conditions of places. Through historical research, site-specific works and material studies, physical places are transformed into ‘environments’, where new spatial narratives can deploy like a ‘speculative fabulation’. By way of different media the artist seeks to manipulate spaces and invites us to reimagine our surrounding, with the clear intention to blur the sharpness of existing meanings and interpretations, in doing so free our mind to reach and invent new dimensions within the same physical appearance. In our capitalist society where value is increasingly linked to publicity, Van Breda wants to consider the significance of valuing the ordinary rather than the spectacular. In this way works often uncover the unimportant and insignificant of everyday life. By revaluating that what is so close to us we can question and eventually also revalue our own personal space and everyday experience.

Textile works

This fascination for how we experience and engage with space becomes tangible in how Van Breda works with textile both as matter, medium as well as concept. In his tapestries images arise from abstraction, yarn and parts of fabric are all knot by hand, creating an interplay of colour, structure and matter. He directly works onto the canvas, which he gathers from the textile industry. These canvases are transition zones and by products of the industrial weaving proces. On a wall his textile works and sculptures start to cover and uncover new spacess.

Ba Graphic Design Luca School of Arts Brussels 2014, Ma Textile Design Luca School of Arts Ghent 2016


  • 2019 Gastatelier LEOXIII Tilburg, Netherlands
  • 2020 RAVI Liège, Belgium


  • Every Move They Make (2018-2019) Luca School of Arts Ghent, research unit Image in collaboration with Dr. Lut Pil, with the support of Luca School of Arts Ghent.


  • Fini Fani, in dialoog met textiele maakprocessen in Mali, Patricia Gérimont, Anja Veirman (2018), Graphius.
    ISBN 9789490049089
  • RECONNAISSANCE, Lut Pil (2019), KADOC Ku Leuven
    ISBN 9789078192435
  • Every move they make, dialogues between object and space, Lut Pil, Matter&Image Luca School of Arts Ghent (2019)
    ISBN 9789463963695